The Action Trackchair® AXIS is built to get you where you need to go, have the adventures you want while you’re there, and safely return home. We started with a redesigned motor that ensures you will go further and get there faster. The 3.4 combined Horsepower PMDC motors, are exclusive to the AXIS and provide an increase in speed allowing you to cover more ground. This increased power from the motors is amplified when paired with the redesigned frame. This frame is streamlined to reduce rolling resistance which results in improved range. A perfect fit can be achieved with SIX independent adjustment points throughout the seat.
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AXIS – Owner’s Manual For Chair Models: AXIS Download/Print
Action Manufacturing, 1105 Lake Road, Marshall, MN 56258 gives a ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY on all components of your Action Trackchair® against defects in material or workmanship.
1-Year: The following components are covered for both parts and labor against manufacture defects in materials and workmanship for the period of one year.
- Batteries
- Motor Control Box
- Joystick
- Seats
- Tilt Actuator
- Motors
- All Sprockets and Idler Wheels
3-Year: The following components are covered against manufacture defects in materials and workmanship for the period of three years.
- Dual Pro battery charger
- Tracks (1st Year – Parts and Labor / 2nd and 3rd Years – Parts Only)
- Frame Welding (1st Year – Parts and Labor / 2nd and 3rd Years – Parts Only)
This warranty covers parts and labor charges for repair or replacement of defective parts and begins on the date of delivery to the original purchaser. This warranty is not transferable to another owner.
This Action Trackchair® limited warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OF DEFECTIVE DESIGN. This warranty also does not cover acts of God, accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse, or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any Action Trackchair ® component, or part that has been altered structurally, modified, neglected, improperly maintained, or purposes other than for which it was designed.
This warranty excludes damages or failures caused by external stress, heat, cold or contamination; abuse, accident, fire; operator error or abuse; improper component alignment, tension, adjustment or altitude compensation; snow, water, dirt or other foreign substance ingestion/contamination; improper maintenance; modified components; use of aftermarket or unapproved components, accessories, or attachments; use of unapproved software or calibration; unauthorized repairs; or repairs made after the warranty period expires or by an unauthorized repair center.
This warranty provides no coverage for personal loss or expense, including mileage, transportation costs, hotels, meals, shipping or handling fees, product pick-up or delivery, replacement rentals, loss of product use, loss of profits, or loss of vacation or personal time.